Digitization, Collaboration and the Future of Work

This blog by Prof. Dr. Jochen Günther explores various facets of digitization. Almost all areas of life are currently subject to fundamental change. The buzzword in this context is "Digitization"

Digitalization characterizes the ever-increasing use of information technology in all areas of life. Omni-availability is an essential feature of modern information technology. Today, access to information is possible at almost any location. Mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops shape everyday life. Information is increasingly being stored in the cloud. Artificial intelligence means that such devices can take on or support increasingly demanding human tasks. Terms in this context are Collaboration, Big Data, Cognitization, the Internet of Things. As a result, the way we live and work will change fundamentally in the coming years.

This change has far-reaching consequences, especially for companies. Virtually every aspect of entrepreneurial activity is affected. Parallels are often drawn with the revolutionary social and economic changes brought about by industrialisation at the end of the 19th century.

Within a company, digitization has an impact on processes, organizational structures or existing business models. This development is best known under the term "Industry 4.0". Information technology enables greater digital integration and automation of the value chain. Externally, it changes the forms of cooperation between customers and suppliers.

Society and companies must actively embrace this profound change.

The contributions of this blog describe possible effects on society and economy.

About the Author - Prof. Dr. Jochen Günther

Dieser Blog wird betrieben von Dr. Jochen Günther, Professor für Wirtschaftsinformatik (im Speziellen Social Media, Audiovisuelle Kommunikation, Digital Leadership und Digitale Geschäftsmodelle) an der Hochschule Heilbronn.

Certfied "Project Management Professional" (PMP) according to the PMI standard. SCRUM Master nach SCRUM Alliance. Bis 2016 tätig am Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart als Projektleiter und stellvertretender Abteilungsleiterim Umfeld Collaboration und Digitalisierung sowie Leiter des Competence Center Videokommunikation der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in München.
